воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

Хористы / Les Choristes / Chorists.

The new teacher at a severely administered boys' boarding school works to positively affect the students' lives through music.
France. 1949. Desperate to find a job, a music teacher Clément Mathieu enters the boarding school for troubled teens. There he sees how cruel to "educational measures" resorted rector of this institution Rush. The bigger boys making fun of Rush, the more aggressive they become. The good-natured at heart Mathieu disturb these methods, but it is unable to protest openly. Once he, the author of numerous musical works, which he modestly hides in his room, comes to mind is a great idea: to organize a school choir.
 Christophe Barratier.
В ролях: Жерар Жюньо / Gérard Jugnot, Франсуа Берлеан / François Berléand, Кад Мерад / Kad Merad, Жан-Поль Боннер / Jean-Paul Bonnaire, Мари Бюнель / Marie Bunel, Жан-Батист Монье / Jean-Baptiste Maunier, Максанс Перрен / Maxence Perrin, Грегори Гатиньоль / Grégory Gatignol, Тома Блюменталь / Thomas Blumenthal, Сирил Бернико / Cyril Bernicot, Симон Фаржо / Simon Fargeot, Теодюль Карре-Кассейн / Théodule Carré-Cassaigne, Филипп дю Жанеран / Philippe du Janerand, Кароль Вейсс / Carole Weiss, Эрик Демарез / Erick Desmarestz.
Франция, Швейцария, Германия, 2004.
Download Хористы / Les Choristes / Chorists.
Хористы / Les Choristes / Chorists.2004.

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